Sunday, August 22, 2010

Full Stomach

Well, I have one full week left in Tomball, and then next Wed, it's off to Amherst. I still have to find a cosigner for the apartment, and get those review sheets for spanish. financial aid stuff will be faxed monday, i'm gonna call my possible job on monday to see if i have one, and so basically everything must be wrapped up this week.

Lots of pressure...

Man, it's all so final. Because I have an apartment and a job up there too, i'll prolly spend more time up in Mass. Like in the summer, i'll prolly spend 1/2 of it up there instead of all in Tomball.

Augh. Stress.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Red, Yellow

As far as work goes: meh, it could be better, could be worse. I only have 2 paychecks left, so... :( i'll be on a strict budget when I get up there.

the possible job: almost locked. I talked to the manager there and told her my situation and qualifications, and they're hiring, so most likely I will have a job. *yay*

financial aid: mom has filed taxes, according to the govt, I have to be a DEPENDENT student, ugh. So, as long as everything is faxed monday it should be fine, we'll get it processed, and then I'll have to do some loans.

roomie sitch: so, there's one person interested, but wants her own room... and there's only 2 rooms. And there's a girl from India I talked to about a month ago about some orientation stuff, and she's looking for housing, so she might be my roomie. we shall see about all this.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Falling Away to Amhertz

Well, as far as work goes, I will be working at AoP until the 28. My boss is being a child about it, so she's not really talking to me. Hasn't been for the past 2 weeks and probably won't for the rest of the month. Whatever. Anyway, so the drive to Mass will start Sept 1 and we'll prolly arrive on the night of the next day. Then, school starts on the 7th, and i have to take a spanish test that day, then a math test on the 13. No roomies so far, but hopefully someone will turn out soon. I have the apartment all set and ready to go :) Financial Aid however, is a much slower process with much bureaucracy. Eugh. I'm starting to pack, starting with my clothes, and trying to see how I can fit everything basically in my trunk. (My mom will be on passenger side, and two dogs w/booster will take up one seat) I still have to call the bow wow place and see if they will hold a spot for me to be hired.

Trying to hang out w/all the rest of the tomball ppl b4 they all go off to their designated colleges. The only one I will see during the year will be Alexandria cuz she'll be in Cambridge. (2.5 hrs away) The other good thing about UMass is that it's 4 hrs away from my cousins (on my dad's side) who I never get to see. And also, it's the exact distance from tomball-corpus is amherst-philadelphia. Can't wait for some cheesesteaks! The only thing is... they all like fish up there. I can't stand fish. Bleh.

I think i already blogged abt this, but during first week they have all the expos for clubs and a concert with We The Kings (for UMass students only) :) Well, it's a busy busy time, but it's all exciting and I can't wait!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Chipping Away

So, updates:
-going to UMass
-working on financial aid junk
-obtained an apartment
-possible job when up there

so, everything is going smoothly except for the bill. but money is a separate issue from real life. so, here are my plans
1. The trip will take 30 hours. My mom (traveling with) has a high school reunion the saturday before school begins, so we're leaving sunday morning, and if we have 5 six-hour shifts, we should make it there by monday afternoon, the day before school starts.
2. Go talk to bow wow bathhouse about job. Go talk to dojo master about tagayake for martial arts.
3. Take a spanish test, go to Math dept for tutor for math test the next week.
4. Go to BB+B and walmart, and pick up items from layaway.
5. Activity expo: check out speech/debate, field hockey, praise team
6. Go see We The Kings in concert on friday!:)