Well, I've been doing my best with what's all been happening. So, I'm just gonna give some bullets since a lot has been going out.
-new apartment, nice roomie, close location
-craziness in finding a spot for Mushu. ex-landlord, boarders, coworker, ex-ex-landlord, boarders. should not be this hard. (or expensive)
-very little moola running through
-been working a lot, but most of the money goes to bills, food, boarder's, gas
-went to philly to visit my auntie Pening, who is not doing well
-still not unpacked, very tight schedule, no life
-been keeping sane with some music
-going back to Texas this week (friday)
-have not been to church in like 2 mos b/c of work
-art studio not doing well, but will hopefully be salvaged
-2 paintings done, 2 to go
all for now. don't feel like writing details.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
And the wheels go round and round...
Ok, so since this last post, even MORE has happened. (like usual, right?) So, shortly after the last happenings I was told that I was being kicked out of my apartment. Yup. the reason? They feel bad I leave my dog for so long. He's a 10 lb pekingese. Yup. Anyway, so I've been doing my best to find a place, and quick, because I only have til the end of November. Well, we had this lovely thing called the Halloween Noreaster, which toppled tons of snow on us, and left us (and most of MA and CT) without power for about 4 days. (some people had to wait a whole week or so). In spite of that, using my internet resources, I have now been able to acquire a place. It's not in Amherst, but it's only 6 miles from work. Gas is super expensive, so it'll be worth it to live closer. I still have my studio, and I'm still doing karate.
Speaking of studio, the owner of the studio has undertaken a project that will be near downtown Amherst. And guess who's going to help with it? Yup, I have been asked if I'd like to help. Yay! So, hopefully that will be going on soon. Also, I have 1 1/4 paintings done. Will be working on 1 3/4 of them tomorrow. Using my studio time, I have also ordered my manuscript completely, and now I am just waiting to hear from the small publisher on if I am a finalist or not. If I'm not, then I'll just have to save up and go with plan A.
Let's see... what else... I had a ton of things to talk about this morning, but not quite sure what those were now...
Well, I got my tires changed today, got my dad his birthday present today. And lucky I checked my schedule for BBW last night, because I had a shift today I wouldn't have known about unless I did. Phew. So, that means I have an official off day tomorrow. I'm going to sleep a lot. :) And then work out and go to karate. My legs are feeling it from yesterday.
Note of the day: Spooning leads to forking.
Anime of the day: Kobato (super sweet and uber cute)
Speaking of studio, the owner of the studio has undertaken a project that will be near downtown Amherst. And guess who's going to help with it? Yup, I have been asked if I'd like to help. Yay! So, hopefully that will be going on soon. Also, I have 1 1/4 paintings done. Will be working on 1 3/4 of them tomorrow. Using my studio time, I have also ordered my manuscript completely, and now I am just waiting to hear from the small publisher on if I am a finalist or not. If I'm not, then I'll just have to save up and go with plan A.
Let's see... what else... I had a ton of things to talk about this morning, but not quite sure what those were now...
Well, I got my tires changed today, got my dad his birthday present today. And lucky I checked my schedule for BBW last night, because I had a shift today I wouldn't have known about unless I did. Phew. So, that means I have an official off day tomorrow. I'm going to sleep a lot. :) And then work out and go to karate. My legs are feeling it from yesterday.
Note of the day: Spooning leads to forking.
Anime of the day: Kobato (super sweet and uber cute)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Busy Lizzie
So, it's been a very busy few weeks for me:
I got that art studio deal all worked out, and will also be on the publicity/marketing team (b/c of my experience), so I'll be able to put that on my resume (yay!), and also help out a place that should stay in business.
I'm already done with one of the four paintings, and have the next 3 sketched out on the canvas.
Here's some news, my oldest brother is getting married next month. Yes, NEXT MONTH, and he just told me last week. So, the wedding is in Florida and I'm in the bridal party. Can't wait!
Also, B+BW is going well. I'm not working too much there, but it's helping to buy groceries.
It just occurred to me I haven't been out with the outing club lately. I wish I could go, but I've just been busy on the days they have the hikes. Grr.
About my poetry book that has been stuck in a limbo b/c of the whole money thing: I found a contest and submitted a few poems to be considered. If I get to the finalist round (results on Dec. 1), then I submit my full manuscript. If they like it, they'll publish it. (hooray!) And if this doesn't pan out, well, then it's back to plan A.
Speaking of writing, while I was working on writing tonight (first time I've written in a few months) I've discovered the second book of poetry will be much harder than the first. Why? Because I used a variety of phrases, concepts, and words that have filled over 100 pages. I'm not going to reuse them. You know what that means? I'm competing against myself. One thing I don't think I've ever had to do is compete against myself. Sure, novel writing you can have different plots and ideas to be conveyed, so there's room for more variety. Art can be anything I want, and it's not too much of an effort to be original even to myself. But writing poetry? After writing so much in very certain ways, I don't want to reuse phrases (or even words in some cases) in order to not be repetitive, or repeat the same book. So, I do like my style that I had in my first book, but I think this is giving more room to try out different forms. I'm also discovering I have a serious style, and a fun style, among other things. Either way, competing against myself just feels like the wierdest concept to me.
Next thing, last Saturday was a wierd one. It started out with someone defrosting MY BEEF that I bought. Geez. And then the landlord saying "If I don't have time for a dog, then I shouldn't have a dog" basically. I pay his vet bills, his hair cuts, his food, etc. And I'm not a good owner? Basically, that's saying that anyone with a job shouldn't have a dog. What the heck. So after these two things pissed me off, then when I get on the highway, two people almost crash into me. For the same purpose. They both try to get in my lane. (this is on two separate occasions, but on the same stretch of road, for the same reason) One didn't even have a left-hand side mirror. You would think they'd check their blind spot. Margh. Then I get to work, and it's a super-busy day. Oy. Anyway, good thing is, is that after work I went to a coworker's house and the gang watched Power Rangers and the Walking Dead.
Then, busy week of art time, working, karate, gym time, etc.
So, moving on to tonight, my plan was just to go to a lecture, and then go home. Well, first off, wednesday night is usually bible study, but this time pastor encouraged us to attend this lecture on Islam at a mosque. So, I go, find out some interesting points, and meet some very nice people. I head out for the night, planning to go home, or go to starbucks, whichever I feel like when I get to town. I decided to go to starbucks, but went to the ATM first, who do I meet on the sidewalk but a few people I was talking to? Well, they invite me to dinner, and we have a very nice dinner (filled with stories, intro stories, and such), and had awesome Persian food to enjoy with cool people. Either way, after that kwinky-dink, I decide I still want to write something by the end of the night, and chatter with some of my old coworkers and get a salted caramel un-mocha. There are limited seats, so I end up sharing a table, and having conversations about poetry, horrendous school food, and such with a nice person. I ended up getting about 3 poems done, and came to the realization I explained earlier about having to compete with myself. When I do come home, some of the guys are hanging around upstairs, and of course, comment on my outfit (I actually tried today). You know how that goes.
Speaking of guys, it's just funny. Let's just say them being interested vs me being interested is always a dilemma. It's not that I don't want a relationship or anything, but whether it's for the right reason is where it's a problem. Even if I'm not in a relationship, if I do start to be in one, I don't want to lie to anyone (including myself) about what the best decisions are. Yes, I rationalize too much, but I don't want to go about things the wrong way and end up complicating my life too much.
Different note, as far as work goes, yes I have this part time job, as well as my full time job, as well as art, but I'm wondering if I should switch it around a bit. Right now I'm only a barista, and I want to get promoted to the next position, but where I'm at is probably not the best place to grow in that area. My problem is that I'm too loyal for my own good. I really do need more money to get things taken care of. I'm wondering if after the holiday season if I should transfer to another store where I have more room for growth. And then maybe also work on getting the promotion at B+BW maybe at a closer location for both. Right now I am seriously broke. Until friday I am surviving off of 25 bucks. Good news, is that I filled up my gas tank at the beginning of the week.
Well, tomorrow I'll have another busy day, work til 4:30, karate from 5:30-6:30, and then an art gallery lecture/meeting with artists at 7:30.
Latest recommended anime: Mawaru Penguindrum
I am also in LOVE with this song here: Dear Future Deadend Remix
I believe that should be all caught up. C ya!
So, it's been a very busy few weeks for me:
I got that art studio deal all worked out, and will also be on the publicity/marketing team (b/c of my experience), so I'll be able to put that on my resume (yay!), and also help out a place that should stay in business.
I'm already done with one of the four paintings, and have the next 3 sketched out on the canvas.
Here's some news, my oldest brother is getting married next month. Yes, NEXT MONTH, and he just told me last week. So, the wedding is in Florida and I'm in the bridal party. Can't wait!
Also, B+BW is going well. I'm not working too much there, but it's helping to buy groceries.
It just occurred to me I haven't been out with the outing club lately. I wish I could go, but I've just been busy on the days they have the hikes. Grr.
About my poetry book that has been stuck in a limbo b/c of the whole money thing: I found a contest and submitted a few poems to be considered. If I get to the finalist round (results on Dec. 1), then I submit my full manuscript. If they like it, they'll publish it. (hooray!) And if this doesn't pan out, well, then it's back to plan A.
Speaking of writing, while I was working on writing tonight (first time I've written in a few months) I've discovered the second book of poetry will be much harder than the first. Why? Because I used a variety of phrases, concepts, and words that have filled over 100 pages. I'm not going to reuse them. You know what that means? I'm competing against myself. One thing I don't think I've ever had to do is compete against myself. Sure, novel writing you can have different plots and ideas to be conveyed, so there's room for more variety. Art can be anything I want, and it's not too much of an effort to be original even to myself. But writing poetry? After writing so much in very certain ways, I don't want to reuse phrases (or even words in some cases) in order to not be repetitive, or repeat the same book. So, I do like my style that I had in my first book, but I think this is giving more room to try out different forms. I'm also discovering I have a serious style, and a fun style, among other things. Either way, competing against myself just feels like the wierdest concept to me.
Next thing, last Saturday was a wierd one. It started out with someone defrosting MY BEEF that I bought. Geez. And then the landlord saying "If I don't have time for a dog, then I shouldn't have a dog" basically. I pay his vet bills, his hair cuts, his food, etc. And I'm not a good owner? Basically, that's saying that anyone with a job shouldn't have a dog. What the heck. So after these two things pissed me off, then when I get on the highway, two people almost crash into me. For the same purpose. They both try to get in my lane. (this is on two separate occasions, but on the same stretch of road, for the same reason) One didn't even have a left-hand side mirror. You would think they'd check their blind spot. Margh. Then I get to work, and it's a super-busy day. Oy. Anyway, good thing is, is that after work I went to a coworker's house and the gang watched Power Rangers and the Walking Dead.
Then, busy week of art time, working, karate, gym time, etc.
So, moving on to tonight, my plan was just to go to a lecture, and then go home. Well, first off, wednesday night is usually bible study, but this time pastor encouraged us to attend this lecture on Islam at a mosque. So, I go, find out some interesting points, and meet some very nice people. I head out for the night, planning to go home, or go to starbucks, whichever I feel like when I get to town. I decided to go to starbucks, but went to the ATM first, who do I meet on the sidewalk but a few people I was talking to? Well, they invite me to dinner, and we have a very nice dinner (filled with stories, intro stories, and such), and had awesome Persian food to enjoy with cool people. Either way, after that kwinky-dink, I decide I still want to write something by the end of the night, and chatter with some of my old coworkers and get a salted caramel un-mocha. There are limited seats, so I end up sharing a table, and having conversations about poetry, horrendous school food, and such with a nice person. I ended up getting about 3 poems done, and came to the realization I explained earlier about having to compete with myself. When I do come home, some of the guys are hanging around upstairs, and of course, comment on my outfit (I actually tried today). You know how that goes.
Speaking of guys, it's just funny. Let's just say them being interested vs me being interested is always a dilemma. It's not that I don't want a relationship or anything, but whether it's for the right reason is where it's a problem. Even if I'm not in a relationship, if I do start to be in one, I don't want to lie to anyone (including myself) about what the best decisions are. Yes, I rationalize too much, but I don't want to go about things the wrong way and end up complicating my life too much.
Different note, as far as work goes, yes I have this part time job, as well as my full time job, as well as art, but I'm wondering if I should switch it around a bit. Right now I'm only a barista, and I want to get promoted to the next position, but where I'm at is probably not the best place to grow in that area. My problem is that I'm too loyal for my own good. I really do need more money to get things taken care of. I'm wondering if after the holiday season if I should transfer to another store where I have more room for growth. And then maybe also work on getting the promotion at B+BW maybe at a closer location for both. Right now I am seriously broke. Until friday I am surviving off of 25 bucks. Good news, is that I filled up my gas tank at the beginning of the week.
Well, tomorrow I'll have another busy day, work til 4:30, karate from 5:30-6:30, and then an art gallery lecture/meeting with artists at 7:30.
Latest recommended anime: Mawaru Penguindrum
I am also in LOVE with this song here: Dear Future Deadend Remix
I believe that should be all caught up. C ya!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
I need some tea, man.
Good news everyone --
I got the job at B+BW. Yay! So, it's part time, which means it won't take up too much extra time. It's only a few hours a week, but hey, it helps.
Otherwise, right now I have a slight cold. just enough to make me flushed, tired, and dehydrated, full of sinus crap, and headaches.
I still have to get the deal w/the studio so I can FINISH THOSE DARN PAINTINGS. GRR.
Also, since I'm a bundle of energy (usually) I'm still doing all of my usual things. And it gets me to thinking about some other stuff, which makes me a bit lonely (sigh)
Well, I guess that's it for now.
I got the job at B+BW. Yay! So, it's part time, which means it won't take up too much extra time. It's only a few hours a week, but hey, it helps.
Otherwise, right now I have a slight cold. just enough to make me flushed, tired, and dehydrated, full of sinus crap, and headaches.
I still have to get the deal w/the studio so I can FINISH THOSE DARN PAINTINGS. GRR.
Also, since I'm a bundle of energy (usually) I'm still doing all of my usual things. And it gets me to thinking about some other stuff, which makes me a bit lonely (sigh)
Well, I guess that's it for now.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Well, here's what's been going on the past few days...
So, I applied to Bath and Body Works for a part-time manager position, but the availability is an issue b/c it changes so frequently. Also, I was in a group interview (with one other person), and since I'm very direct, no-nonsense, and have a very forward kind of personality, I almost seemed like the bad guy or something b/c the other person was all about how the customer felt, and the "connection", and the yahda yahda, which is all fine and good, I have no problem with it, but it kinda made me feel like I was callous compared to her. Oh well, I am who I am. So... we shall see how this all turns out.
Good thing/bad thing of this week is that I'll be getting a litte overtime, though, I probably wasn't allowed to, so extra bit of moolah will be nice, even if I do get into trouble. (I kinda miscalculated), but I had already refused two shifts! It was like EVERYBODY needed me this week. Any other week would've been fine.
Also, yesterday 9/11 was my mom's birthday, and I didn't get to call her during the day, but we finally wrapped it up at night. Still can't believe it's been 10 years since 9/11 happened. Also, on this event, our sermon for church was on forgiveness, and was related to the topic of forgiving our worst enemies as well.
I think I found an art studio that has cheap rent, and I think I only need a month or 2 to finish my paintings, so hopefully that will work out as well.
As far as social life goes, I have don't have one....
Anime watching and recommend: Steins;Gate
Also, still seriously thinking about running for Congress in the future. Hopefully when I get back in school, I will take some classes so I won't be completely unqualified, but I still need to find out how I'm going to publicize myself. The good thing, is that since my name is so unique, hopefully it will stand out. I really wish some OTHER people would run as well, but it seems that there has to be a very very small movement first. Well, hopefully I can get some foreign experience under my belt with linguistics, and we'll see how that all works. I think I will run in Mass, but I may move back to Texas for it since I know more people. However, that will also mean I have to sign up more people as well. We'll see....
I think that's it!
So, I applied to Bath and Body Works for a part-time manager position, but the availability is an issue b/c it changes so frequently. Also, I was in a group interview (with one other person), and since I'm very direct, no-nonsense, and have a very forward kind of personality, I almost seemed like the bad guy or something b/c the other person was all about how the customer felt, and the "connection", and the yahda yahda, which is all fine and good, I have no problem with it, but it kinda made me feel like I was callous compared to her. Oh well, I am who I am. So... we shall see how this all turns out.
Good thing/bad thing of this week is that I'll be getting a litte overtime, though, I probably wasn't allowed to, so extra bit of moolah will be nice, even if I do get into trouble. (I kinda miscalculated), but I had already refused two shifts! It was like EVERYBODY needed me this week. Any other week would've been fine.
Also, yesterday 9/11 was my mom's birthday, and I didn't get to call her during the day, but we finally wrapped it up at night. Still can't believe it's been 10 years since 9/11 happened. Also, on this event, our sermon for church was on forgiveness, and was related to the topic of forgiving our worst enemies as well.
I think I found an art studio that has cheap rent, and I think I only need a month or 2 to finish my paintings, so hopefully that will work out as well.
As far as social life goes, I have don't have one....
Anime watching and recommend: Steins;Gate
Also, still seriously thinking about running for Congress in the future. Hopefully when I get back in school, I will take some classes so I won't be completely unqualified, but I still need to find out how I'm going to publicize myself. The good thing, is that since my name is so unique, hopefully it will stand out. I really wish some OTHER people would run as well, but it seems that there has to be a very very small movement first. Well, hopefully I can get some foreign experience under my belt with linguistics, and we'll see how that all works. I think I will run in Mass, but I may move back to Texas for it since I know more people. However, that will also mean I have to sign up more people as well. We'll see....
I think that's it!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Limbo in a Handbasket
Hello peeps, so I don't exactly know what to call everything that's going on, so I'm just gonna blog about it. I'm just gonna give you a bulleted rundown like usual...
- I am moving to the Starbucks Holyoke store.
+ Someone from Boston is going to UMass and needs a store close. Since I'm not gonna be in school for another year anyway, why not give someone else the opportunity? I also talked to the manager if I would be able to get my spot back when I got to school, and he said yes, so it should all be fine and dandy. So, this will be a commute for me, but hey, I like driving and I like malls. We'll see what happens!
- I had a ghost shift on Friday, because I was supposed to be "somewhere" at 9:30, but apparently that shift did not exist...and the same thing is happening for Sunday, so I'm just gonna clean the heck out of their store for 7 hours.
- I got a corn snake the other day. :) Her name is Sunset and she's an amelanistic (no black) corn snake, and she's so adorable.
- Every single item is finally moved out from my old apartment, now I just have to unpack every last thing. Which, I don't know where I'll exactly put it all....
- I think that might be all that's going on, but I'll update this when I remember what the rest of it is...
- I am moving to the Starbucks Holyoke store.
+ Someone from Boston is going to UMass and needs a store close. Since I'm not gonna be in school for another year anyway, why not give someone else the opportunity? I also talked to the manager if I would be able to get my spot back when I got to school, and he said yes, so it should all be fine and dandy. So, this will be a commute for me, but hey, I like driving and I like malls. We'll see what happens!
- I had a ghost shift on Friday, because I was supposed to be "somewhere" at 9:30, but apparently that shift did not exist...and the same thing is happening for Sunday, so I'm just gonna clean the heck out of their store for 7 hours.
- I got a corn snake the other day. :) Her name is Sunset and she's an amelanistic (no black) corn snake, and she's so adorable.

- Every single item is finally moved out from my old apartment, now I just have to unpack every last thing. Which, I don't know where I'll exactly put it all....
- I think that might be all that's going on, but I'll update this when I remember what the rest of it is...
Monday, August 15, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
I'm a bit twisted
So, two weeks ago (on thurs) I got news that my karate instructor was back in town, and I was planning on attending his class on Saturday. I was just on my second day of my work-out-every-weekday routine, but when I was doing a certain side-to-side exercise, I ended up twisting my ankle. Mah. Which hurt pretty bad. Funny thing, I found out that one of my ex co-workers works out there, lol. Also, as I was leaving (early) I got stopped by a woman who was asking me abt my karate/kickboxing stuff, and she said I inspired her! :) Yay!
Otherwise, the last 3 days I've been working in E. Longmeadow for the 4th of July weekend, and it was a bit crazy, but in a good way. And I always like going to a different store because it changes up the routine. The only thing is that my sched had a little confusion by it, but otherwise it got fixed and it turned out fine.
So, today's the 5th, and I haven't gotten anything packed, for my move date in 10 days. Well, it should be fine since I still have technically 2 mos here, so I can take my sweet time. I'm gonna start today w/cleaning my room.
I didn't really do anything other than work for 4th of July, and today I pretty much slept until 1:30, and I have 2 days off now. Yaaay.
Well, I guess that's it for now!
Otherwise, the last 3 days I've been working in E. Longmeadow for the 4th of July weekend, and it was a bit crazy, but in a good way. And I always like going to a different store because it changes up the routine. The only thing is that my sched had a little confusion by it, but otherwise it got fixed and it turned out fine.
So, today's the 5th, and I haven't gotten anything packed, for my move date in 10 days. Well, it should be fine since I still have technically 2 mos here, so I can take my sweet time. I'm gonna start today w/cleaning my room.
I didn't really do anything other than work for 4th of July, and today I pretty much slept until 1:30, and I have 2 days off now. Yaaay.
Well, I guess that's it for now!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Okie Dokie then
Ok, so... here's the latest:
My good friend that I met up here is now moving to Oregon for school. :( Yeah.
Also, I have decided to move out the apartment I am currently residing in, and luckily, have found another one that I will be moving in next month. It's a bit smaller than what I have now, at the same cost, but at least this round I won't have to pester anyone about having to pay their bill, and I can cook in a normal kitchen. My dog will still be with me, and the landlords are totally cool with it. Part of me says it's stupid to move, especially since this room is so big and nice, but you know, I think I'm just done with the roommates here, and all the crap that went on this year. Ugh.
The book will have to be postponed due to, of course, money.
And the school thing is the same of course...
Finally cleaned my car, and next will be my room. I guess I'll have to start packing in a few weeks, huh?
Oh, and I won't have karate for three weeks cuz the instructor is out of town
The midweek bible study is launched, and I think it should go well. Went last night, there were a few people, I talked a lot, you know how it goes.
And at work, I can not be late again until September because I've been late too many times. (just stupid reasons for those, but they happened.) Otherwise, I can't interview for a better paying position. (Wish me lots and lots of luck.)
My bike's handlebar broke off, but now it's fixed, as well as a new kickstand! Yay!
Last anime watched and highly recommend: Ayashi no Ceres
I met up recently with my nice ex-roomie, it was fun, we had some coffee and went to a movie.
Weather update: it was nice and warm and humid for about a week, then we had some bad weather yesterday (including a tornado in Springfield), and now it's kinda cold again. Not enough to where I have to wear a jacket during the day, but almost.
And apparently my mom is supposed to be visiting Washington D.C. in late July or early August, so she'll probably get a bus or train up here (or me going down there) and we'll see how it goes.
Well, that's about it for now!
My good friend that I met up here is now moving to Oregon for school. :( Yeah.
Also, I have decided to move out the apartment I am currently residing in, and luckily, have found another one that I will be moving in next month. It's a bit smaller than what I have now, at the same cost, but at least this round I won't have to pester anyone about having to pay their bill, and I can cook in a normal kitchen. My dog will still be with me, and the landlords are totally cool with it. Part of me says it's stupid to move, especially since this room is so big and nice, but you know, I think I'm just done with the roommates here, and all the crap that went on this year. Ugh.
The book will have to be postponed due to, of course, money.
And the school thing is the same of course...
Finally cleaned my car, and next will be my room. I guess I'll have to start packing in a few weeks, huh?
Oh, and I won't have karate for three weeks cuz the instructor is out of town
The midweek bible study is launched, and I think it should go well. Went last night, there were a few people, I talked a lot, you know how it goes.
And at work, I can not be late again until September because I've been late too many times. (just stupid reasons for those, but they happened.) Otherwise, I can't interview for a better paying position. (Wish me lots and lots of luck.)
My bike's handlebar broke off, but now it's fixed, as well as a new kickstand! Yay!
Last anime watched and highly recommend: Ayashi no Ceres
I met up recently with my nice ex-roomie, it was fun, we had some coffee and went to a movie.
Weather update: it was nice and warm and humid for about a week, then we had some bad weather yesterday (including a tornado in Springfield), and now it's kinda cold again. Not enough to where I have to wear a jacket during the day, but almost.
And apparently my mom is supposed to be visiting Washington D.C. in late July or early August, so she'll probably get a bus or train up here (or me going down there) and we'll see how it goes.
Well, that's about it for now!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Playing Ketchup
So... I just realized how severely dated this is. I haven't updated on much at all!
-The manuscript has been done for like... 2 mos? Now in the editing process.
-Am now taking Goju-Ryu Karate
-It's summer, but it's still 50 degrees
More recent updates
-these are my last two saturdays at the farmer's supply. Not enough business in the summer to validate the position. Possibly back in the fall.
-this means I will probably have to look for a second job... the bills are seriously killer
- I'm on a 4 year plan to pay off my tuition. I would like to be back in school by next year. Not sure how that's going to happen.
- I need money to publish my book. School is more important. Not sure how that's going to happen.
- School loans are coming back to haunt me. Not sure how that's going to happen.
- My budget is made of coins. Really.
- I am now a member of the church up here, yay! And will be helping to develop a midweek bible study and young adult meet-up
- still haven't done taxes...
so... I think that's it :)
oh, recently watched/recommend Arakawa Under the Bridge
-The manuscript has been done for like... 2 mos? Now in the editing process.
-Am now taking Goju-Ryu Karate
-It's summer, but it's still 50 degrees
More recent updates
-these are my last two saturdays at the farmer's supply. Not enough business in the summer to validate the position. Possibly back in the fall.
-this means I will probably have to look for a second job... the bills are seriously killer
- I'm on a 4 year plan to pay off my tuition. I would like to be back in school by next year. Not sure how that's going to happen.
- I need money to publish my book. School is more important. Not sure how that's going to happen.
- School loans are coming back to haunt me. Not sure how that's going to happen.
- My budget is made of coins. Really.
- I am now a member of the church up here, yay! And will be helping to develop a midweek bible study and young adult meet-up
- still haven't done taxes...
so... I think that's it :)
oh, recently watched/recommend Arakawa Under the Bridge
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Toradora - Kushieda Minori
Seriously. This character is so like me it's almost scary. If I was a little more uninhibited, this is how it'd turn out. But yeah, she has the same personality, haircut, body type, little gestures, freaky....
Seriously. This character is so like me it's almost scary. If I was a little more uninhibited, this is how it'd turn out. But yeah, she has the same personality, haircut, body type, little gestures, freaky....
Sunday, April 3, 2011
A week back in Texas
So, here's the schedule:
Wed: Plane to
Thurs: family visit, nails
Fri: family visit, drive to Corpus
Sat: Corpus, beach, Aunt's wedding, reception
Sun: drive to San Antonio, Fiesta Texas
Mon: family visit, taxes, etc...
Tues: Plane from
In this time there will also be:
-Starbucks w/my bud
-visiting my lil dog Maxine
-warm weather
Can't wait! I just hope my SD card works by the time this all goes down...
Wed: Plane to
Thurs: family visit, nails
Fri: family visit, drive to Corpus
Sat: Corpus, beach, Aunt's wedding, reception
Sun: drive to San Antonio, Fiesta Texas
Mon: family visit, taxes, etc...
Tues: Plane from
In this time there will also be:
-Starbucks w/my bud
-visiting my lil dog Maxine
-warm weather
Can't wait! I just hope my SD card works by the time this all goes down...
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Vlog Synopsis
Thursday, March 10, 2011
In 3 hours, I managed to type out 5,000 words out from my manuscript. 18 pages, DONE. So, I should probably write for about 1 more month, and then start picking and choosing, editing, and formatting the manuscript. but 2/3 of the raw is complete. Phew!
Besides that, I went to the Ash Wednesday service, and it was nice. Right before that, I managed to splurt out a page of notes from Bible study, so I'm going to try to do this every day and see how much insight I can get, because so far it has been wonderful.
Work is going ok. Still trying to get the exact pace I should be at, and still learning new stuff to do.
I have to get Mushu to the groomers' pretty soon, he's looking pretty scraggly...
I wish I had some dancing to do....
Besides that, I went to the Ash Wednesday service, and it was nice. Right before that, I managed to splurt out a page of notes from Bible study, so I'm going to try to do this every day and see how much insight I can get, because so far it has been wonderful.
Work is going ok. Still trying to get the exact pace I should be at, and still learning new stuff to do.
I have to get Mushu to the groomers' pretty soon, he's looking pretty scraggly...
I wish I had some dancing to do....
Friday, March 4, 2011
- will be back in Texas April 6-12
- I have 1/2 of my manuscript done, and mailed for copyright reasons
- my little plant had like 4 more little flowers, spring is almost here!
- my birthday is in 18 days
- still haven't found anybody to edit/critique poetry yet...
- title is decided
- cover art is almost decided
- watching Fairy Tail, Kimi ni Todoke 2, will soon be watching Rozen Maiden
- got in a workout
- payment plan worked out for UMass
I think that's about it for now. Nothing much else going on over here.
- will be back in Texas April 6-12
- I have 1/2 of my manuscript done, and mailed for copyright reasons
- my little plant had like 4 more little flowers, spring is almost here!
- my birthday is in 18 days
- still haven't found anybody to edit/critique poetry yet...
- title is decided
- cover art is almost decided
- watching Fairy Tail, Kimi ni Todoke 2, will soon be watching Rozen Maiden
- got in a workout
- payment plan worked out for UMass
I think that's about it for now. Nothing much else going on over here.
financial aid,
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Growing Pink
My pink polka-dotted plant is doing so well! It even had 2 small flowers, spring is almost here!
On another note, I've been at Starbucks for about 3 weeks now. I like it so far, but I'm still just beginning in my training.
I now have a work out buddy, so will definitely do at least 3x a week. Since I'm adjusted to the work scene now, I'm going to try to shoot for at least 4x a week starting next week.
My birthday is in a month! Yay! Hm... what should I do???
Oh, got laundry done today. Such a nice feeling to have clean clothes.
Btw, should be back in Texas from April 6-12 ideally.
I have officially decided to self-publish my book first. I'm still deciding on a title though. It'll be between Spinning Plaid, Attn:, and The Peak of Entropy
Plans for Poetry Video
Oh and on another note, I went to Chatroulette and talked to this Australian guy for like 30 min. It was pretty cool.
Well, I believe that's it for now :)
On another note, I've been at Starbucks for about 3 weeks now. I like it so far, but I'm still just beginning in my training.
I now have a work out buddy, so will definitely do at least 3x a week. Since I'm adjusted to the work scene now, I'm going to try to shoot for at least 4x a week starting next week.
My birthday is in a month! Yay! Hm... what should I do???
Oh, got laundry done today. Such a nice feeling to have clean clothes.
Btw, should be back in Texas from April 6-12 ideally.
I have officially decided to self-publish my book first. I'm still deciding on a title though. It'll be between Spinning Plaid, Attn:, and The Peak of Entropy
Plans for Poetry Video
Oh and on another note, I went to Chatroulette and talked to this Australian guy for like 30 min. It was pretty cool.
Well, I believe that's it for now :)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
White Cinnamon Frapuccino
Updates: so, I landed the job w/Starbucks, and will be starting off as a barista, and then they will try to get me up to shift supervisor soon enough. And I still have my other job, so I just work that one saturdays. So, now I'll be working full time, yay!
I've been trying to get back into writing for my manuscript, and it's been going well. I think I have around like 50? poems now...
I do kind of miss school, but I've also been enjoying this brief period of being laid back. So, even though some things were challenging, it was like a mini-vacation. (A really cold, snowy one, though...)
Anime I'm currently watching: Blood+, Kimi ni Todoke season 2, Starry Sky, Yumekui Merry
I got finished with REC, Working!!, Paranoia Agent, Spice and Wolf
I've been working out a lot more (like 1 hr 3x a week), but, I haven't really been eating all that well, so... no progress, lol.
I got a button that says "OMG! A DOUBLE RAINBOW!" and another that says "DO NOT WANT". Now I'm just wondering what to put them on.
So yeah, that's it for now....
I've been trying to get back into writing for my manuscript, and it's been going well. I think I have around like 50? poems now...
I do kind of miss school, but I've also been enjoying this brief period of being laid back. So, even though some things were challenging, it was like a mini-vacation. (A really cold, snowy one, though...)
Anime I'm currently watching: Blood+, Kimi ni Todoke season 2, Starry Sky, Yumekui Merry
I got finished with REC, Working!!, Paranoia Agent, Spice and Wolf
I've been working out a lot more (like 1 hr 3x a week), but, I haven't really been eating all that well, so... no progress, lol.
I got a button that says "OMG! A DOUBLE RAINBOW!" and another that says "DO NOT WANT". Now I'm just wondering what to put them on.
So yeah, that's it for now....
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Back from the Read
Well hey there! Sorry I haven't been posting, I've went back to Texas, then went back to Mass, have been looking for a full-time job, etc, etc. Anyway, so I'll give you the gist.
-went to Texas on a plane, visited family, saw Maxine, worked a tiny bit, visited more family, Christmas, visited friends, New Year's

-back to Mass, brought Mushu with me, visited friends, went on some hikes, hours cut, looking for full-time job, establishing residency, so am taking a year off of school, still owe $10 grand to school, cleaned out my car (finally), joined a gym

so, there, you're caught up. :)
so, Friday night I went to a concert and saw Bujak and Spiritual Rez, Saturday I worked, was so sleepy, so I slept for like 16 hours (almost straight), I have some interview follow-up questions with Starbucks, and... I think that's it for now.
Oh, and unfortunately, the 2 books I was reading (and wanted to finish) are in Texas, because I forgot to put them in my backpack. :(
That should catch you up, and I updated my song playlist, so ttyl!
P.S. I got all As and Bs for the semester (despite being sick for 3 weeks) yay!
-went to Texas on a plane, visited family, saw Maxine, worked a tiny bit, visited more family, Christmas, visited friends, New Year's

-back to Mass, brought Mushu with me, visited friends, went on some hikes, hours cut, looking for full-time job, establishing residency, so am taking a year off of school, still owe $10 grand to school, cleaned out my car (finally), joined a gym

so, there, you're caught up. :)
so, Friday night I went to a concert and saw Bujak and Spiritual Rez, Saturday I worked, was so sleepy, so I slept for like 16 hours (almost straight), I have some interview follow-up questions with Starbucks, and... I think that's it for now.
Oh, and unfortunately, the 2 books I was reading (and wanted to finish) are in Texas, because I forgot to put them in my backpack. :(
That should catch you up, and I updated my song playlist, so ttyl!
P.S. I got all As and Bs for the semester (despite being sick for 3 weeks) yay!
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