Ok, so... here's the latest:
My good friend that I met up here is now moving to Oregon for school. :( Yeah.
Also, I have decided to move out the apartment I am currently residing in, and luckily, have found another one that I will be moving in next month. It's a bit smaller than what I have now, at the same cost, but at least this round I won't have to pester anyone about having to pay their bill, and I can cook in a normal kitchen. My dog will still be with me, and the landlords are totally cool with it. Part of me says it's stupid to move, especially since this room is so big and nice, but you know, I think I'm just done with the roommates here, and all the crap that went on this year. Ugh.
The book will have to be postponed due to, of course, money.
And the school thing is the same of course...
Finally cleaned my car, and next will be my room. I guess I'll have to start packing in a few weeks, huh?
Oh, and I won't have karate for three weeks cuz the instructor is out of town
The midweek bible study is launched, and I think it should go well. Went last night, there were a few people, I talked a lot, you know how it goes.
And at work, I can not be late again until September because I've been late too many times. (just stupid reasons for those, but they happened.) Otherwise, I can't interview for a better paying position. (Wish me lots and lots of luck.)
My bike's handlebar broke off, but now it's fixed, as well as a new kickstand! Yay!
Last anime watched and highly recommend: Ayashi no Ceres
I met up recently with my nice ex-roomie, it was fun, we had some coffee and went to a movie.
Weather update: it was nice and warm and humid for about a week, then we had some bad weather yesterday (including a tornado in Springfield), and now it's kinda cold again. Not enough to where I have to wear a jacket during the day, but almost.
And apparently my mom is supposed to be visiting Washington D.C. in late July or early August, so she'll probably get a bus or train up here (or me going down there) and we'll see how it goes.
Well, that's about it for now!