Friday, December 17, 2010
Self Resentment
I am an idiot. When it comes to schoolwork, I am an absolute imbecile. Anyway, so it's 5 a.m. on Friday. I have a test today at 2, and in the meantime I will be writing several articles and papers that I should have done in the semester. but nooooo.... I had to wait until the absolute last day. I don't know what's wrong with me. So, some good news, I will be moving into a bigger room. It's in the same apt, but just across the way. I was thinking for a bit, maybe it wasn't worth it, because it's a little more expensive, but then I look back at my cramped little room, and I'm like... well... I do like more room. But then, now since I'm not at school it's not like I'm gonna need the study room and stuff. Maybe I should double it as an office? lol. right... for what? Anyway, I need a full time job. I have a part time right now, but I want a full-time to where I'll actually be gaining experience for stuff. I just don't know what to do. And then I have that whole -still trying to find a literary agent- thing to work on. And I haven't been able to find a ride to the airport, so I guess I'll just have to park there. Agh. I'm just not really happy with myself right now.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Embedded in the book store with no particular flavor in mind
So... I'm here at B+N, and I'm not finding anything particularly interesting. I'm trying to read 2 books I brought with me, but today they are not particularly interesting. I have 3 finals this week, and should be focusing on that, but since I slept 19 hours today. (Yes, 19. I was shocked too.) I want to be awake for quite a time. Therefore, I have coffee. As usual. I had a meal today, but yet again, it wasn't particularly interesting and I wasn't sitting sitting with any friends or anything so this might be just cause as to the feeling. I only have 1 week left, and then I will be off to Texas on Monday. I should make the most out of this week. So, I will be on a job hunt soon, but now that I'm looking at what actual options I have to work with, I might just extend my part-time to a full time. It's quite annoying. Also, I worked on my poetry manuscript last night, and wrote a 3-page poem. Now I'm rocking to my David Crowder mix on Pandora, not to make up for the fact that I missed church today, but I do love his music and others similar, and I probably need some spiritual stimulation today anyway. I'm surrounded by marketing right now, and sometimes I believe I can market better than these people anyway. Ugh, I hate being in this state where I'm stuck. The semester's practically over, so now the only things I have left to do are 3 tests left, and work, and a few papers (which I'll do tomorrow). I need to find a ride to the airport. Hm. just Hm. yup. Hm. la dee dahhhhhhda. I don't think they should be playing Christmas music yet, but that being said it's been playing for like a month now which is absolutely absurd. Well, it went back to the fifties again, but it will probably be back to the 30s in about a day. I just want to have a literary agent already so I know that my project is really in progress, but I wish I just had more patience. I am trying my best as a writer to have at least 1 thing a day, and I won't be a full-time writer or something b/c that's just not reasonable. Well... I suppose I'll just keep on walking, and the next week shall prove most entertaining. And I get to see my family agian :) And a debate reunion, and all that good stuff. Oh, the joy of finals week.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Like A Boss
I feel like I have my own private office. I'm in the library at 2:18 a.m. and almost no one is here, so I'm at the very very end In one of these cubicle-things that has a door and everything that's usually used for groups. I have my music playing, and everything just sprawled out on the table. I'm using the chairs like a lounger and all that as well. Yeah, I could get used to this. Anyway... can't get to sleep, and I have work at 8 a.m. tomorrow, so I'll probably stay here til like 4 a.m. max. I'm also trying to be constructive an write poetry, or try to get through a bit of literary theory or a Dawkin's book I brought with me. I think I'm in a writing rut. I'm writing about the same thing basically. It manifests itself in different ways, with slightly different tones, but they're practically about the same thing. I think I might consolidate these into one ginormous poem, but I don't know if that will defeat the purpose of what they actually represent or not. Hm... So... yeah... just wanted to report in a bit since I'm just kinda fiddling the night away.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Weddings and Experiments
I had a dream about a wedding a few weeks ago that I forgot to post. I don't remember many of the details, but it started out with my mom and me on a trail ride, and this random guy comes up and gives me a knife, wound in leather, and is trying to advertise. He suggests I keep the knife. He follows us to the barn and I try to tell my mom that he has some good leather, which is a misunderstanding because apparently he only sells blades. So, then there is a suburban, which is next to this playing field, and apparently, when only 2 kids competed each other each year, now there are 5 kids (2 new families involved) one of the newer kids wins, and there is a bit of distrust between the kids. In the meantime, there are 4 small white dogs in the car (I think they were puppy-cut malteses) and I kept rolling down the windows so they could have air flowing through, but someone kept rolling them up, I found out who it was, and told them why I kept rolling the windows down. After that they stopped, but she (one of the new moms) gave me a look like "don't tell me what to do b*tch". Anyway, so apparently these kids continue to grow up together? Somehow the dream goes on a complete tangent, and we are now on the precipice of a wedding (MY wedding), but somehow I can't get there because there has been foul play. This has to do with swords and spells somehow (I think in the dream I was a character like Sabrina the teenage witch) this somehow relates to the knife earlier mentioned and the new kids, which are now adults, which 2 guys are the ones interfering with the wedding. Anyway, some investigating and running and action sequence gets done, and I arrive just in time to replace my impostor and share a blueberry coffee cake with my beloved. (His face isn't quite clear, but apparently blueberry cake is our thing) Then, there is a table of potluck cakes, which everyone is sampling, and I recognize this character (I think in the dream her name is Victoria), who has tried to steal my boyfriend, now husband, in the past. I comment on her cake, which is mainly cream filling, and she says not to bring up any history about how she tried to steal my husband, because she's clearly over him.
So... that's the dream. This is actually a pretty NORMAL one for me as you may know. I've had some freakishly wierd dreams in the past. Some things you should know: I'm single, i'm not married, have never been engaged, and have never had anybody try to steal my boyfriend from me.
Last thursday I went hiking b/c it was a free day for Veteran's Day. We went to the holyoke range. Here are some pics:

And from this weekend:
ha ha, I love people on saturday nights, so much fun! so, amongst my travels tonight, I made people laugh by doing a ghetto walk across the street in front of my audience (the ppl at the bus stop). talked with a guy who was practicing his forms by the campus pond for about 30 min about martial arts, sang "like a G6" to various groups. (guys only = laugh, girls only = sing a long, mixed = laugh). Talked to another guy about my experiments, charities, and name confusion. Went to get hot chocolate at the gas station, then sang with my ipod on the way home. On the way, some trippy kids asked me for directions. I love this stuff. (Btw, I live i a college town so.. all of the people out are college kids)
So... that's the dream. This is actually a pretty NORMAL one for me as you may know. I've had some freakishly wierd dreams in the past. Some things you should know: I'm single, i'm not married, have never been engaged, and have never had anybody try to steal my boyfriend from me.
Last thursday I went hiking b/c it was a free day for Veteran's Day. We went to the holyoke range. Here are some pics:
And from this weekend:
ha ha, I love people on saturday nights, so much fun! so, amongst my travels tonight, I made people laugh by doing a ghetto walk across the street in front of my audience (the ppl at the bus stop). talked with a guy who was practicing his forms by the campus pond for about 30 min about martial arts, sang "like a G6" to various groups. (guys only = laugh, girls only = sing a long, mixed = laugh). Talked to another guy about my experiments, charities, and name confusion. Went to get hot chocolate at the gas station, then sang with my ipod on the way home. On the way, some trippy kids asked me for directions. I love this stuff. (Btw, I live i a college town so.. all of the people out are college kids)
Friday, October 29, 2010
Grease Lightnin'!
Well, actually caught some breakfast this, now i'm waiting for my coffee to cool down... the people next to me are talking about normal stuff. how interesting. so... I've been posting to this forum lately called personality cafe, and it's pretty cool so far. It's mainly about the MBTI test, cognitive functions, and stuff like that, but pretty much every topic gets talked about. I'm sonicdrink on there too, so if you join you can look me up. I swear, the people next to me are the people I don't want to approach, because I know I could never hold an interesting conversation with them...well, I don't remember if i posted this last time or not, but I will not be going to school next semester b/c of financial reasons. I'll prolly work full time. So, let's see...oh, I got a job at amherst farmer's supply, so I'm a cashier and it works with my schedule, which is great b/c it's crazy this semester. I broke out the leather jacket today, so I feel perdy cool. :o) Oh, and I'm done with midterms, thank goodness. btw, I got an A on my linguistics midterm.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Ok, I officially have to go to the eye doctor, b/c my vision sucks! I haven't had a problem w/it til this year. UGH. I hate it so. Anyway, just in sci fic class watching some old movie witch they are using a mirror of upside down manner to make them look like they are on the bottom side of a space ship sanding up. Anyway, so I just finished my linguistics midterm. Omg, I hope I passed. My gosh, who knew 9 questions could be so brutal. I have a spanish midterm next, and was gonna review w/a video I made a few years ago in a spanish class w/some friends, but I couldn't hold in my laughter, and since I'm in class I judged this wasn't a good idea... I'm gonna have to write a midterm paper tonight for anthropology. I guess I'll actually read the books, and the make a giant synopsis... Whatever....Oooh, the suspense in this movie is killing me.... there's a guy just a floating in space b/c he was stupid and disconnected his rope. I really don't remember the name of this movie but i think it was made in the 50s... So I'm wearing purple to support the anti gay bully thing. I know that sounds like it undermines it, but I'm just being very abrupt. On another note, I probably won't be able to go to college next semester for financial reasons, but it should be fine for the semester after that, so it's all good. Yet another note, it costs $1200 to get to Armenia at the cheapest. I'm gonna try to do the priceline negotiator thing and see if I can get something for $900. That's about it for now!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
firework fountain
So, lately my creativity has been spilling out exponentially. I don't know if this is because I'm in a new environment, or because I've been tacking it down a bit more lately. I'm so full of ideas! I'm pretty much always full of ideas, it's just how I am, but lately I've been wanting to do so much more! I'm still in the process of filling up my poetry book, and since I've been writing it down more, I guess my own words inspire me. Also, I've been chatting on a forum with people who talk about personality and cognitive functions, so this helps expand my range on what I know of people. This has inspired yet another idea I will talk to the psych dept about -- A Live Forum. People will walk in with about 10 convos going on with a computer and a giant notepad. Notepad will entitle the convo, and the computer will help serve as the internet access of regular forums, such as links to videos, articles, and the like to be projected for the group to see/hear. When the convo changes, the new topic will be posted as the new bullet on the board, if you want to leave your convo for that one, feel free to do so, that's what it's for. I believe it would be an awesome experiment. On another note, I haven't been drawing as much lately, oh well. Also, this whole I can't work out b/c I'm sick thing is getting really annoying. I want to get back to fencing!! Grr. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.....
So, those are some of my thoughts. My other ones go out to the bursar's office. Will I be able to finish the semester? The year? Can I get other loans? Can I admitted next year if I take a break? Next thing - I may get a job soon, yay! Amherst farmers supply as the part-time floater. as long as i'm getting some money i should be fine. next note - I've had random intermittent vomiting so I'll be taking a barium swallow soon and see what's going on in there. Lordy. Next thing.... I should prolly go to sleep soon but i just had 2 cups of coffee. Next thing, I found a lutheran church. Who knew that at a school with over 25000 students, that only 2-4 lutherans would actually attend church. Staggering results, I know. Proximo, I got a haircut, it's short. I like it, but don't think I'll be going this short again. I'll make the best out of it while it lasts though. That should be it for today. Well, yes, there's still a lot on my mind I would like to express, but that would be a rather long blog post wouldn't it? I guess it does make up for about the month I've missed...
So, those are some of my thoughts. My other ones go out to the bursar's office. Will I be able to finish the semester? The year? Can I get other loans? Can I admitted next year if I take a break? Next thing - I may get a job soon, yay! Amherst farmers supply as the part-time floater. as long as i'm getting some money i should be fine. next note - I've had random intermittent vomiting so I'll be taking a barium swallow soon and see what's going on in there. Lordy. Next thing.... I should prolly go to sleep soon but i just had 2 cups of coffee. Next thing, I found a lutheran church. Who knew that at a school with over 25000 students, that only 2-4 lutherans would actually attend church. Staggering results, I know. Proximo, I got a haircut, it's short. I like it, but don't think I'll be going this short again. I'll make the best out of it while it lasts though. That should be it for today. Well, yes, there's still a lot on my mind I would like to express, but that would be a rather long blog post wouldn't it? I guess it does make up for about the month I've missed...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Time for quizzes!!
You Are a Life Blogger! |
Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary. If it happens, you blog it. And you make it as entertaining as possible. You may be guilty of over-sharing a bit on your blog, but you can't help it. Your life is truly an open book. Or in this case, an open blog! |
You Are Freaky and Funny |
You're the type of person who can sit all day without feeling bored or boring others. You find the world entertaining. There's always something going on that you can riff on. You give a first impression of being eccentric. Luckily, most people find your weird ways to be highly entertaining. You are an armchair philosopher. You are constantly developing your unique, quirky take on life. |
You Are Creative |
You are the type of person who always has to be creating something - whether it's something beautiful or something useful. You enjoy getting involved in huge projects. Your projects usually don't have a beginning or an ending. You are always ready to mix things up a bit and do something different. You're constantly looking for inspiration. You are unique and special. And you have learned how to uses your strengths well. |
Your Brain is Conceptual |
You can't help but look at the big picture. You're good at putting things together. You think long term. You always have a vision for the future and an idea of how you want things to be. You are a very intuitive person. Even though you are constantly thinking, it feels like answers just appear for you. You enjoy a challenge, especially an intellectual one. You are constantly taking the initiative and pushing yourself. |
You Are a Powdered Devil's Food Donut |
A total sweetheart on the outside, you love to fool people with your innocent image. On the inside you're a little darker, richer, and more complex. You're a hedonist who demands more than one pleasure at a time. Decadent and daring, you test the limits of human indulgence. |
You Are a Frappuccino |
At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modern At your worst, you are: childish and too indulgent You drink coffee when: you're craving something sweet Your caffeine addiction level: low |
Your Gift is Imagination |
You are constantly dreaming. You are always thinking about what could be. You love to express yourself in many ways. You have a way with words and tell vivid stories. You love to be amused. You are good entertaining yourself, and other people find you hilarious. You're the type of person who finds staying happy easy. There's always fun to be had! |
You Hike Through Life |
Your journey through life is challenging, exhilarating, and at times difficult. You are curious about the world, and you're willing to go off the beaten path to satisfy your thirst for knowledge. Your mind is always alert and churning something over. You enjoy solving problems, and adversity makes you feel alive. You are both independent and skeptical. You often need to see something with your own eyes before you'll believe it. |
A Lily Says You're Very Enticing |
You are playful, flirty, and friendly. You can easily light up a room... or someone's heart. Your unique personality attracts a lot of attention! Your cute ways get you in trouble. People can't help but be a little jealous of you. |
You See Possibilities in Your Future |
Five years from now, you could be doing any number of things. You're setting yourself up for an interesting future. You aren't ruling anything out, but you're still being proactive. You welcome any number of possibilities. Ten years from now, you will have made some interesting choices. And you'll still have a few key decisions to make. No doubt about it, your life is headed in an amazing direction. What exact direction is up to you. |
You Are a Lizard |
You are intuitive and sensitive. You pay close attention to your subconscious and your dreams. You embrace your fears and the darker side of life. It's easy for you to be detached and objective when you need to be. You are able to let go easily. You don't get attached to much. And considering how often you change course, people shouldn't get too attached to you. |
You Make Big Waves |
You're type of person who gets carried away from time to time. You tend to think and life big. You believe that there can't be too much of a good thing... until you get too much. You can overwhelm other people with your enthusiasm, but they know that your heart is in the right place. Once you get rolling with an idea or plan, it's hard for you to stop. You can get really caught up in the moment! |
Thursday, September 23, 2010
50th post!
wow... I'm already at the 50th post! Anyway, so my poetry book is still expanding, and I submitted my comics to the collegian. Currently, I'm broke, so I'm going to hang out about 30 posters all over and try to get some business. So, I went to Kendo tonight, and I have a giant open callous/blister on my big toe, along with other callouses/blisters oooouuuch. I only have like 1 thing due for hw tomorrow, thank goodness b/c I had 4 things due today in all of my 4 classes. Ay. Anyway... so that's abt it for now. Wish me luck in my business!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Spacial Proximity
So...Amherst is interesting... haven't really made too many friends yet, but I'm working on it. I'm involved in fencing right now (starting my 6 wk-training ay ay ay) also Kendo (which is Japanese fencing) and anime club. I think that's enough clubs for the semester. Classes aren't really difficult, but they do all take time. My fave classes so far : intro to linguistic theory, and science fiction. the latter one more about the books than the actual lecture.
quick note: last night my roommate and I got in BIG trouble for playing around (sparring, but we won't tell them that) at like midnight.... whoops. My first all nighter in Amherst (we stayed up til like 6) and it wasn't even for school, lol.
I'm continuing to work on my comic, and also trying to finish my poetry journal. I WILL publish it. It just takes time to fill the whole thing up. I've had some people read over what I have so far, and they really do seem to like it/ connect with it, which is what I want, so I would feel accomplished as a writer if my readers have a connection with the words. Let me tell you, my writing is CRAZY, but it totally makes sense and I love to weave them intricately until they prey upon your mind with oddity and wonder of what could be and a different look as to what is. He he he.
I believe that's all I have to record for now, but... right now I don't have internet at my house. :( We were supposed to have service til the end of Sept, but, that didn't happen, so now I'm at a starbucks doing all the usual stuff.
quick note: last night my roommate and I got in BIG trouble for playing around (sparring, but we won't tell them that) at like midnight.... whoops. My first all nighter in Amherst (we stayed up til like 6) and it wasn't even for school, lol.
I'm continuing to work on my comic, and also trying to finish my poetry journal. I WILL publish it. It just takes time to fill the whole thing up. I've had some people read over what I have so far, and they really do seem to like it/ connect with it, which is what I want, so I would feel accomplished as a writer if my readers have a connection with the words. Let me tell you, my writing is CRAZY, but it totally makes sense and I love to weave them intricately until they prey upon your mind with oddity and wonder of what could be and a different look as to what is. He he he.
I believe that's all I have to record for now, but... right now I don't have internet at my house. :( We were supposed to have service til the end of Sept, but, that didn't happen, so now I'm at a starbucks doing all the usual stuff.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hovering Cupcakes
That's the title of my new comic, a ha ha! Well, i love comics in general, so i decided to make my own. I'll submit it to the collegiate first, and then get some feedback hopefully. It's mainly about puns, internet references, and cupcakes. I'm excited :D I have a page done so far, but I think that's enough for one night. WHY THE HECK AM I UP AT 2:13 IN THE MORNING??? huh... I guess I lost track of time there. Anyway, I just looove doing random stuff. ttyl!
so... here's another song that is relevant to parts of my life...Changing by Saosin. look it up, it rocks.
You fall apart each time you start to say goodbye
But there is nobody watching.
(nobody watching)
You've watched your grip, you step and slip but don't know why.
And this is just the beginning.
(just the beginning)
You had the hopes to make it last, it's moving fast.
And now you're realizing.
That in the past, the dreams you had make people feel
Like you were just reciting.
(just reciting)
Bathing in the afterglow;
A chance at luck and pride.
Where we end up we can never know.
And all I know is we seem to be
Changing, better to turn and walk away.
Fading, all these lights just turn to gray.
Changing, better to turn and walk away.
But the strange thing
Is that I don't feel a thing.
This is an act, stop holding back. The things you lost
Cannot replace what's missing.
(replace what's missing)
And from the start you played the part and now your heart's
Become a great deception.
Bathing in the afterglow;
A chance at luck and pride.
When we end up we can never know.
All I know is we seem to be
Changing, better to turn and walk away.
Fading, all these lights just turn to gray.
Changing, better to turn and walk away.
But the strange thing
Is that I don't feel a thing.
One last breath to say goodbye.
I tell myself another lie.
Stripped of all I hold so dear.
The moment's lost.
And I am sinking down lower,
I drown myself in the water.
And I am watching my life pass before my eyes,
It comes as no surprise.
You fall apart and then you stop.
You fall apart and then you stop.
You fall apart and then you...
Changing, better to turn and walk away.
Fading, all these lights just turn to gray.
Now I'm changing, better to turn and walk away.
But the strange thing
Is that I don't feel a thing.
You fall apart and then you stop.
You fall apart and then you stop.
You fall apart and then you...
You fall apart each time you start to say goodbye
But there is nobody watching.
(nobody watching)
You've watched your grip, you step and slip but don't know why.
And this is just the beginning.
(just the beginning)
You had the hopes to make it last, it's moving fast.
And now you're realizing.
That in the past, the dreams you had make people feel
Like you were just reciting.
(just reciting)
Bathing in the afterglow;
A chance at luck and pride.
Where we end up we can never know.
And all I know is we seem to be
Changing, better to turn and walk away.
Fading, all these lights just turn to gray.
Changing, better to turn and walk away.
But the strange thing
Is that I don't feel a thing.
This is an act, stop holding back. The things you lost
Cannot replace what's missing.
(replace what's missing)
And from the start you played the part and now your heart's
Become a great deception.
Bathing in the afterglow;
A chance at luck and pride.
When we end up we can never know.
All I know is we seem to be
Changing, better to turn and walk away.
Fading, all these lights just turn to gray.
Changing, better to turn and walk away.
But the strange thing
Is that I don't feel a thing.
One last breath to say goodbye.
I tell myself another lie.
Stripped of all I hold so dear.
The moment's lost.
And I am sinking down lower,
I drown myself in the water.
And I am watching my life pass before my eyes,
It comes as no surprise.
You fall apart and then you stop.
You fall apart and then you stop.
You fall apart and then you...
Changing, better to turn and walk away.
Fading, all these lights just turn to gray.
Now I'm changing, better to turn and walk away.
But the strange thing
Is that I don't feel a thing.
You fall apart and then you stop.
You fall apart and then you stop.
You fall apart and then you...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Full Stomach
Well, I have one full week left in Tomball, and then next Wed, it's off to Amherst. I still have to find a cosigner for the apartment, and get those review sheets for spanish. financial aid stuff will be faxed monday, i'm gonna call my possible job on monday to see if i have one, and so basically everything must be wrapped up this week.
Lots of pressure...
Man, it's all so final. Because I have an apartment and a job up there too, i'll prolly spend more time up in Mass. Like in the summer, i'll prolly spend 1/2 of it up there instead of all in Tomball.
Augh. Stress.
Lots of pressure...
Man, it's all so final. Because I have an apartment and a job up there too, i'll prolly spend more time up in Mass. Like in the summer, i'll prolly spend 1/2 of it up there instead of all in Tomball.
Augh. Stress.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Red, Yellow
As far as work goes: meh, it could be better, could be worse. I only have 2 paychecks left, so... :( i'll be on a strict budget when I get up there.
the possible job: almost locked. I talked to the manager there and told her my situation and qualifications, and they're hiring, so most likely I will have a job. *yay*
financial aid: mom has filed taxes, according to the govt, I have to be a DEPENDENT student, ugh. So, as long as everything is faxed monday it should be fine, we'll get it processed, and then I'll have to do some loans.
roomie sitch: so, there's one person interested, but wants her own room... and there's only 2 rooms. And there's a girl from India I talked to about a month ago about some orientation stuff, and she's looking for housing, so she might be my roomie. we shall see about all this.
the possible job: almost locked. I talked to the manager there and told her my situation and qualifications, and they're hiring, so most likely I will have a job. *yay*
financial aid: mom has filed taxes, according to the govt, I have to be a DEPENDENT student, ugh. So, as long as everything is faxed monday it should be fine, we'll get it processed, and then I'll have to do some loans.
roomie sitch: so, there's one person interested, but wants her own room... and there's only 2 rooms. And there's a girl from India I talked to about a month ago about some orientation stuff, and she's looking for housing, so she might be my roomie. we shall see about all this.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Falling Away to Amhertz
Well, as far as work goes, I will be working at AoP until the 28. My boss is being a child about it, so she's not really talking to me. Hasn't been for the past 2 weeks and probably won't for the rest of the month. Whatever. Anyway, so the drive to Mass will start Sept 1 and we'll prolly arrive on the night of the next day. Then, school starts on the 7th, and i have to take a spanish test that day, then a math test on the 13. No roomies so far, but hopefully someone will turn out soon. I have the apartment all set and ready to go :) Financial Aid however, is a much slower process with much bureaucracy. Eugh. I'm starting to pack, starting with my clothes, and trying to see how I can fit everything basically in my trunk. (My mom will be on passenger side, and two dogs w/booster will take up one seat) I still have to call the bow wow place and see if they will hold a spot for me to be hired.
Trying to hang out w/all the rest of the tomball ppl b4 they all go off to their designated colleges. The only one I will see during the year will be Alexandria cuz she'll be in Cambridge. (2.5 hrs away) The other good thing about UMass is that it's 4 hrs away from my cousins (on my dad's side) who I never get to see. And also, it's the exact distance from tomball-corpus is amherst-philadelphia. Can't wait for some cheesesteaks! The only thing is... they all like fish up there. I can't stand fish. Bleh.
I think i already blogged abt this, but during first week they have all the expos for clubs and a concert with We The Kings (for UMass students only) :) Well, it's a busy busy time, but it's all exciting and I can't wait!
Trying to hang out w/all the rest of the tomball ppl b4 they all go off to their designated colleges. The only one I will see during the year will be Alexandria cuz she'll be in Cambridge. (2.5 hrs away) The other good thing about UMass is that it's 4 hrs away from my cousins (on my dad's side) who I never get to see. And also, it's the exact distance from tomball-corpus is amherst-philadelphia. Can't wait for some cheesesteaks! The only thing is... they all like fish up there. I can't stand fish. Bleh.
I think i already blogged abt this, but during first week they have all the expos for clubs and a concert with We The Kings (for UMass students only) :) Well, it's a busy busy time, but it's all exciting and I can't wait!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Chipping Away
So, updates:
-going to UMass
-working on financial aid junk
-obtained an apartment
-possible job when up there
so, everything is going smoothly except for the bill. but money is a separate issue from real life. so, here are my plans
1. The trip will take 30 hours. My mom (traveling with) has a high school reunion the saturday before school begins, so we're leaving sunday morning, and if we have 5 six-hour shifts, we should make it there by monday afternoon, the day before school starts.
2. Go talk to bow wow bathhouse about job. Go talk to dojo master about tagayake for martial arts.
3. Take a spanish test, go to Math dept for tutor for math test the next week.
4. Go to BB+B and walmart, and pick up items from layaway.
5. Activity expo: check out speech/debate, field hockey, praise team
6. Go see We The Kings in concert on friday!:)
-going to UMass
-working on financial aid junk
-obtained an apartment
-possible job when up there
so, everything is going smoothly except for the bill. but money is a separate issue from real life. so, here are my plans
1. The trip will take 30 hours. My mom (traveling with) has a high school reunion the saturday before school begins, so we're leaving sunday morning, and if we have 5 six-hour shifts, we should make it there by monday afternoon, the day before school starts.
2. Go talk to bow wow bathhouse about job. Go talk to dojo master about tagayake for martial arts.
3. Take a spanish test, go to Math dept for tutor for math test the next week.
4. Go to BB+B and walmart, and pick up items from layaway.
5. Activity expo: check out speech/debate, field hockey, praise team
6. Go see We The Kings in concert on friday!:)
Monday, July 12, 2010
So, updates: the opener, the day after her last day, decided not to quit, so now I don't have to work 80 hours a week. lol. anyway, so some more updates, orientation is 21-22, however it's full so i have to call and see. no news on housing so far, but i'm still looking for roommates just in case. Mushu got a haircut and he looks adorable! :) Can't wait for college. Finally having a major (I still have to work on that interdisciplinary thing) is going to be nice, because I'll have more focus and be done with the boring gen eds that I already know about. Besides that... let's see.... i've lost 10 lbs since january :D so i'm pretty sure i'll look fab for the new school year. too bad i'll prolly need more fluff when it gets cold, lol. This blog was so unorganized today.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I haven't posted here in a while, but whatever. Ok, so at work, Chelsea, our opener is quitting in 2 weeks, so i have to hire another person. lots of extra overtime for me, which will burn me out, but lots of moola and hate. oh well. anyway, I was also accepted to U Mass which is where I want to go to. Hm... how do I balance these two things? well, i've been considering several options and also talked about some things with my mom, so, here's what I'm thinking.
-Co-owning pet store for 2 years while in college and working when not on semester, getting a feel for the business etc.
- also going to college, but keeping a fax and cell handy for employee questions, marketing, scheduling, etc.
-writing my book as part of my major???
^ how does that sound, hm?
several opportunities have been presented and maybe the best option for a multi-tasker like me is to do all at the same time. opinions?
-Co-owning pet store for 2 years while in college and working when not on semester, getting a feel for the business etc.
- also going to college, but keeping a fax and cell handy for employee questions, marketing, scheduling, etc.
-writing my book as part of my major???
^ how does that sound, hm?
several opportunities have been presented and maybe the best option for a multi-tasker like me is to do all at the same time. opinions?
Monday, May 10, 2010
For another day
I'm feeling a little nostalgic, maybe not in the positive sense, however I can't help but travel in my mind into the past. My randomness is not contained to the world because it is not the proper entity to describe such an enigma that is the perplexity of my mind swarming around like newborn snakes on the planet Mars.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Mas personas son hablando espanol
So, I know I haven't written in a while. There have been several things going on. It's been crazy. So.. basically I have only been getting 4 hrs of freetime per week. Here's the sched:
Sun- Work 10:30 - abt 6
Mon - school 9:30-12:20, work 12:30-abt 1:30, kuk sool 5-5:50, school 6-9
Tues - school 9:30-11, work 12 - 8
wed - mon sched
thurs - tues sched
fri - work 7 or 8 -8
sat - 8-6:30
this all does not include driving time, homework, etc.
so, FINALLY I got off early saturday and I have a day off today. So... need to fax in stuff to UMass and make sure app is complete. have essay due tomorrow and tuesday, and test on wed... and we're gonna have a new girl @ work. yeah, it's gonna be busy again,but at least I got one full day of relaxing.
Still don't really know what i'm doing next sem. Applications were all crap. I didn't have time to do anything, been super stressed, and haven't gotten everything together like I should. Don't know what my major is really gonna be. Hm... haven't really talked to my sterling ppl as often as I though I would, but I suppose it's for the best because I've been so busy.
Oh, if anyone reads this at all, please pray for Molly Knowers who has cancer. She wasn't even supposed to live past last May, so pray for courage and strength and for her and her family for healing.
Anyway, there's not much to this post, and I've probably forgotten a lot of details to update from past months, but whatever. btw, I really need to work on the buddha-christ criticism book, but I just haven't had time.
Sun- Work 10:30 - abt 6
Mon - school 9:30-12:20, work 12:30-abt 1:30, kuk sool 5-5:50, school 6-9
Tues - school 9:30-11, work 12 - 8
wed - mon sched
thurs - tues sched
fri - work 7 or 8 -8
sat - 8-6:30
this all does not include driving time, homework, etc.
so, FINALLY I got off early saturday and I have a day off today. So... need to fax in stuff to UMass and make sure app is complete. have essay due tomorrow and tuesday, and test on wed... and we're gonna have a new girl @ work. yeah, it's gonna be busy again,but at least I got one full day of relaxing.
Still don't really know what i'm doing next sem. Applications were all crap. I didn't have time to do anything, been super stressed, and haven't gotten everything together like I should. Don't know what my major is really gonna be. Hm... haven't really talked to my sterling ppl as often as I though I would, but I suppose it's for the best because I've been so busy.
Oh, if anyone reads this at all, please pray for Molly Knowers who has cancer. She wasn't even supposed to live past last May, so pray for courage and strength and for her and her family for healing.
Anyway, there's not much to this post, and I've probably forgotten a lot of details to update from past months, but whatever. btw, I really need to work on the buddha-christ criticism book, but I just haven't had time.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
We didn't start the fire
well, we really didn't. the Celaya did. Yes, there was literally a fire. Now, to fill you in, on tues. (12th) I was at work and it was abt 6 pm when I noticed there was smoke outside, and then I heard several sirens, and Dana rushes out to go get her kid which is in the bookstore next to the celaya on fire and where the bookstore is covered in smoke. Soon, there are police telling us we have to close the store, however, when it comes to smoke, over 1/2 of the animals will die if they inhale too much. (Any animal really) So, from the time of abt 6:20 - 7:10 we evacuated ALL animals out of the store. The dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, rabbits, chinchilla, miscellaneous small animals, and EVERYTHING but the fish (which we covered with towels). I end up w/Mercy, Giselle, 2 rabbits, and a kitty. Chelsea takes the small animals in her truck along with some cats, her boyfriend takes the birds in his dad's suburban, Dana takes Buddy and Daisy and some birds, etc, etc. Crazy. Then, as soon as all the animals were out, the store really started smelling like smoke (b/c of the common air system) and we lock the door (several times after getting food) and head out. By about 8 the fire itself was out, but the smoke was still circulating. Early morning Chelsea gets to the store and starts airing it out, doing the vinegar trick and all that. Dana drops off some animals, and I get there at seven, all of us cleaning the store from top to bottom since we never get the opportunity. And we did, indeed. So, long day.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Belated Christmas Wish
hm... I've been looking online recently, and I've decided that I want some white TOMS so I can customize them. However, this is after Christmas. :( so, I guess the next day for presents would be my birthday... in March... oh well, u know what to get me! ;)
Anyway, so, a recent thing finally checked off my to-do list:
-spring sem down payment is paid off, so now just have to pay off Sterling
still needed to be done is:
-find pre-cal notes so I can take compass test and get into calc class
-return book to high school...
-buy my sr yearbook!
-buy books
-find more time
among other things.
Also, that whole "global warming" thing.... I don't agree w/it... it is below freezing consecutively in HOUSTON. I find something wrong w/that...
I should hang out w/some Tomball ppl again... hm.
Well, that's it for now. Yeah, I don't know what the point of this post was either, but does blogging have an essential purpose? Yes, there's a big debate abt the social revolutions and etc and human philosophy but in the end it's all the same.
Anyway, so, a recent thing finally checked off my to-do list:
-spring sem down payment is paid off, so now just have to pay off Sterling
still needed to be done is:
-find pre-cal notes so I can take compass test and get into calc class
-return book to high school...
-buy my sr yearbook!
-buy books
-find more time
among other things.
Also, that whole "global warming" thing.... I don't agree w/it... it is below freezing consecutively in HOUSTON. I find something wrong w/that...
I should hang out w/some Tomball ppl again... hm.
Well, that's it for now. Yeah, I don't know what the point of this post was either, but does blogging have an essential purpose? Yes, there's a big debate abt the social revolutions and etc and human philosophy but in the end it's all the same.
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