Monday, July 12, 2010


So, updates: the opener, the day after her last day, decided not to quit, so now I don't have to work 80 hours a week. lol. anyway, so some more updates, orientation is 21-22, however it's full so i have to call and see. no news on housing so far, but i'm still looking for roommates just in case. Mushu got a haircut and he looks adorable! :) Can't wait for college. Finally having a major (I still have to work on that interdisciplinary thing) is going to be nice, because I'll have more focus and be done with the boring gen eds that I already know about. Besides that... let's see.... i've lost 10 lbs since january :D so i'm pretty sure i'll look fab for the new school year. too bad i'll prolly need more fluff when it gets cold, lol. This blog was so unorganized today.

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