- be the hottest b*tch in this city. lose weight. tone up. eat healthy.
- be the most successful woman in this city. get recruits. get premium. get hours. maintain schedules and meetings. up the networking. make enough money to quit one job. buy an iPad.
- be the winner winner chicken dinner. sing my little heart out. practice practice practice. more practice. lessons. practice. sing lots of karaoke. possible collaborations with producers. obtain shure SM58 microphone and usb adapter.
- make a piece or two of art again. follow through with learning how to tattoo.
- get contacts and increase sporty activity. no excuses.
- whiter teeth. more flossing. more rinsing. buy whitestrips.
- pedicure
- make a blog with a prompt
- donate clothes that I don't need, don't fit me, aren't my style, solely sentimentally attached but utterly filler t-shirts.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
sonic drink mixes
in humor of search result traffic sources to my random blog, I have decided to share what I think would be lovely as sonic drink mixes with alcohol.
Whiskey - sweet tea with raspberry, sweet tea with lemon, root beer with lemon, root beer with peach
Tequila - any limeade slushes, sprite with raspberry, sprite with coconut water (add lime if you wish), coke with sprite and lime, coke with sprite and lemon-raspberry (I swear it's good), and root beer with lime
Rum - root beer with lemon or lime, root beer and sprite mix, coke and coconut water flavor, coke and lemon, coke and cherry
Vodka - cherry limeade, coke and cherry, sprite and cherry
ha ha, have fun y'all!
Whiskey - sweet tea with raspberry, sweet tea with lemon, root beer with lemon, root beer with peach
Tequila - any limeade slushes, sprite with raspberry, sprite with coconut water (add lime if you wish), coke with sprite and lime, coke with sprite and lemon-raspberry (I swear it's good), and root beer with lime
Rum - root beer with lemon or lime, root beer and sprite mix, coke and coconut water flavor, coke and lemon, coke and cherry
Vodka - cherry limeade, coke and cherry, sprite and cherry
ha ha, have fun y'all!
Monday, July 2, 2012
So, a few days ago I actually had more to update about, but I kinda forgot about half of that... sorry. XD
I went to my bf's place last weekend, near Lowell, and spent a day in Boston. It ended up raining, and being really late, but we did get a great lunch, and I got a cute figurine, wallet, acrylic paint varnish, and I was able to ride the subway (T) for the first time. ^-^ We also got to see Brave the opening night, which I personally don't believe was one of Pixar's best, however the film was still Pixar quality.
Dave's is going well, and I'm making a bit more per hour, so even though I'm not getting as many hours, I'm still making it by. (If not by just a little...). However I wanna save up for some Abiliene's (cowboy boots) so I can have casual/riding boots. I rode Willow (the horse) by myself for the first time last week, and rode him again towards the end of this week, and I'm getting the hang of it. (he likes one-hand reining better....)
My best friend is back in town, however I haven't seen her yet, so hopefully I'll get to see her this upcoming weekend.
Also, I will be submitting a mini-manuscript to a publisher, so hopefully they can take care of all the details so I don't have to spend all the money on getting started myself. Wish me luck! It's hard to take down a ready-to-go book and get it to an even more concise version though....
I believe that's it for now!
Recent anime recommendations: Sankarea
I went to my bf's place last weekend, near Lowell, and spent a day in Boston. It ended up raining, and being really late, but we did get a great lunch, and I got a cute figurine, wallet, acrylic paint varnish, and I was able to ride the subway (T) for the first time. ^-^ We also got to see Brave the opening night, which I personally don't believe was one of Pixar's best, however the film was still Pixar quality.
Dave's is going well, and I'm making a bit more per hour, so even though I'm not getting as many hours, I'm still making it by. (If not by just a little...). However I wanna save up for some Abiliene's (cowboy boots) so I can have casual/riding boots. I rode Willow (the horse) by myself for the first time last week, and rode him again towards the end of this week, and I'm getting the hang of it. (he likes one-hand reining better....)
My best friend is back in town, however I haven't seen her yet, so hopefully I'll get to see her this upcoming weekend.
Also, I will be submitting a mini-manuscript to a publisher, so hopefully they can take care of all the details so I don't have to spend all the money on getting started myself. Wish me luck! It's hard to take down a ready-to-go book and get it to an even more concise version though....
I believe that's it for now!
Recent anime recommendations: Sankarea
Friday, May 25, 2012
Good and crazy is a nice combo
Sooooooo many things have been going on in the past week. All good though, so let me tell you about it. I'll go by days, since that'll make it a little less crazy, lol.
Mon: Get asked if I wanna go to Philly by my friend Katelynn, who wants to go see The Wanted (a british boy band, specifically to see Jay) and I decide I should get out of town.
Tues: Find out my bf, that was supposed to have been in Woburn until June, was gonna drive 2 hrs just to see me on thursday. Happiness.
Wed: Normal, good close.
Thurs: Apartment cleaning, Nam comes into town, we spend all day outside and then eating lots and lots of food (well me anyway, lol), floorset during the night.
Fri: Nam leaves :( Later that afternoon I FINALLY get to ride Willow (the horse at my new apt, which I've been wanting to ride for weeks now), good close @BBW.
Sat: Sleep in (thank goodness), work close. Help hispanic lady and her mom find her husband and kids after the mall had closed. Go to Noho w/Amanda and Brittany, return and get to sleep around 3 am
Sun: Open @Sbux, pick Katelynn up, we set off at 5 and go to NJ and stay @ my uncle's house.
Mon: go to Philly, spend most of day wandering around, get dinner w/her friend and sleep in hotel, missing a flight the boys were supposed to come in on Tues....
Tues: go to boys' hotel, do a little meet + greet (they're all very nice, and gorgeous), go to concert hall, where the tickets at that time were 50 bucks, but we were only gonna see one act, and I wasn't gonna spend that, so while Lauren and Katelynn were at a concert, I went to a bar by the Phillies' game @ Xfinity live, and went into the PBR (Pro Bull Riding) bar, where the second song they played was "God Bless Texas". I was meant to be there, obviously. Right before I met up w/the girls I rode a mechanical bull, and had fun w/that. During the bull ride the song playing was "Jose Cuervo" (also meant to be), and then we all went to the airport to see the boys off. End up staying the night in Jersey @ Slaur's place.
Wed: Leave Jersey @ 7a, get stuck in traffic in NYC, and we make it to Mass by abt 1pm. I close that night.
Thurs: Decide that it will be the last day I attempt to call Dave's (for a job), but this time I get directly connected to Dave, and then have an interview @ 2pm. It goes very well. :) He tell's me I'll get a call the next day, if not that afternoon. My new phone (HTC One X) comes in (my phone has been horrible lately. During my trip it didn't work almost at all...) after being out of stock at the warehouse for a few weeks. Then, a 2 1/2 hr workout, then hangout.
Fri: General Manager calls me, and we set up an interview for 2pm as well, and we basically talk for about 2 hrs, and I meet the asst manager as well as one of their long-term employees. I should be a part of their team on a part-time basis for a while before getting a full time position. I'll be training at Hadley, where Dennis (GM) said they were all awesome peeps.
That has been my good crazy last week. :) Coming up... one of my best friends, Masha, will be coming back to Amherst in June, and I haven't seen her in about a year and a half, so I'm excited. Also, Nam will be coming back to visit in June, and we're gonna watch the premiere of Brave. I'll be moving in to my apartment this week (which, I was supposed to have done these last 2 days, but... that hasn't exactly happened....) Well, there you go, you are filled in. :D
Mon: Get asked if I wanna go to Philly by my friend Katelynn, who wants to go see The Wanted (a british boy band, specifically to see Jay) and I decide I should get out of town.
Tues: Find out my bf, that was supposed to have been in Woburn until June, was gonna drive 2 hrs just to see me on thursday. Happiness.
Wed: Normal, good close.
Thurs: Apartment cleaning, Nam comes into town, we spend all day outside and then eating lots and lots of food (well me anyway, lol), floorset during the night.
Fri: Nam leaves :( Later that afternoon I FINALLY get to ride Willow (the horse at my new apt, which I've been wanting to ride for weeks now), good close @BBW.
Sat: Sleep in (thank goodness), work close. Help hispanic lady and her mom find her husband and kids after the mall had closed. Go to Noho w/Amanda and Brittany, return and get to sleep around 3 am
Sun: Open @Sbux, pick Katelynn up, we set off at 5 and go to NJ and stay @ my uncle's house.
Mon: go to Philly, spend most of day wandering around, get dinner w/her friend and sleep in hotel, missing a flight the boys were supposed to come in on Tues....
Tues: go to boys' hotel, do a little meet + greet (they're all very nice, and gorgeous), go to concert hall, where the tickets at that time were 50 bucks, but we were only gonna see one act, and I wasn't gonna spend that, so while Lauren and Katelynn were at a concert, I went to a bar by the Phillies' game @ Xfinity live, and went into the PBR (Pro Bull Riding) bar, where the second song they played was "God Bless Texas". I was meant to be there, obviously. Right before I met up w/the girls I rode a mechanical bull, and had fun w/that. During the bull ride the song playing was "Jose Cuervo" (also meant to be), and then we all went to the airport to see the boys off. End up staying the night in Jersey @ Slaur's place.
Wed: Leave Jersey @ 7a, get stuck in traffic in NYC, and we make it to Mass by abt 1pm. I close that night.
Thurs: Decide that it will be the last day I attempt to call Dave's (for a job), but this time I get directly connected to Dave, and then have an interview @ 2pm. It goes very well. :) He tell's me I'll get a call the next day, if not that afternoon. My new phone (HTC One X) comes in (my phone has been horrible lately. During my trip it didn't work almost at all...) after being out of stock at the warehouse for a few weeks. Then, a 2 1/2 hr workout, then hangout.
Fri: General Manager calls me, and we set up an interview for 2pm as well, and we basically talk for about 2 hrs, and I meet the asst manager as well as one of their long-term employees. I should be a part of their team on a part-time basis for a while before getting a full time position. I'll be training at Hadley, where Dennis (GM) said they were all awesome peeps.
That has been my good crazy last week. :) Coming up... one of my best friends, Masha, will be coming back to Amherst in June, and I haven't seen her in about a year and a half, so I'm excited. Also, Nam will be coming back to visit in June, and we're gonna watch the premiere of Brave. I'll be moving in to my apartment this week (which, I was supposed to have done these last 2 days, but... that hasn't exactly happened....) Well, there you go, you are filled in. :D
Friday, May 11, 2012
Aaaaaaaalllllllllrighty Then
Soooo, there's a lot catch up on that has been happening in the last month or so.
I have my art hanging in the Springfield starbucks (except my supernova, which will be put up there soon), and next month it will be hanging in the noho starbucks. I still have to work on getting that painting done for the mexican restaurant. I got sick the week I was gonna do it, so now I have to catch up.
Speaking of being sick, somehow I caught a cold, and now that I'm over most of it I still have a pretty bad cough some of the time. However, I still haven't felt well enough to go to the gym. What this means is that since I'm expending less energy, I have a very decreased appetite, and since I'm still going to work and stuff, this may be the final step I need for my bikini body. ;) So, as soon as I get back to my usual 4x a week gym schedule, I'm going to eat either cereal or vitamin protein shake for breakfast, start bringing my own lunches to work, and try to get my meals with real food.
There's a guy who has recently waltzed into my life. We're not officially bf/gf yet, buuut, it'll prolly happen. I met him about 2 weeks ago, and this is the fastest I've ever gotten to know/have interest in someone. It's super wierd to me how fast it's all happening, but people call it "natural". I still don't get it, but we'll see what happens. :) Among many things, he is a runner, so hopefully he'll go to the Warrior Dash with me. (since I was talking about all that training, lol.) Unfortunately, he lives in the dorms at UMass, which means that he moved out yesterday from Amherst and will be in Woburn (or something) until June when we're gonna meet up to see Brave. Grrr.
As far as work has been going, I was really, seriously close to quitting a few weeks ago. But, since I'm moving this month and have other bills going around that I have to pay for, I decided to not quit just yet. However, I have recently applied for Manager / Asst. Manager at a pet store, and after submitting my resume, I got a reply from the owner about coming in some time to chat. I really really would love this position, and think it would be a perfect fit for me. The only part that's nervewrecking is waiting for that email or call as to when we could actually meet face-to-face. Pray for me!
I will also be moving this month to Granby. It's kinda off the side between Amherst and Holyoke (Rt. 202), but it's a little more towards the country. There is a horse in the backyard I will be exercising often, and the landlady says I can bring Mushu. :) Soooo happy! I also got a really really good deal on rent, so this will save me at least 100 a month.
I believe that's it....may not be, but I'll update soon.
I have my art hanging in the Springfield starbucks (except my supernova, which will be put up there soon), and next month it will be hanging in the noho starbucks. I still have to work on getting that painting done for the mexican restaurant. I got sick the week I was gonna do it, so now I have to catch up.
Speaking of being sick, somehow I caught a cold, and now that I'm over most of it I still have a pretty bad cough some of the time. However, I still haven't felt well enough to go to the gym. What this means is that since I'm expending less energy, I have a very decreased appetite, and since I'm still going to work and stuff, this may be the final step I need for my bikini body. ;) So, as soon as I get back to my usual 4x a week gym schedule, I'm going to eat either cereal or vitamin protein shake for breakfast, start bringing my own lunches to work, and try to get my meals with real food.
There's a guy who has recently waltzed into my life. We're not officially bf/gf yet, buuut, it'll prolly happen. I met him about 2 weeks ago, and this is the fastest I've ever gotten to know/have interest in someone. It's super wierd to me how fast it's all happening, but people call it "natural". I still don't get it, but we'll see what happens. :) Among many things, he is a runner, so hopefully he'll go to the Warrior Dash with me. (since I was talking about all that training, lol.) Unfortunately, he lives in the dorms at UMass, which means that he moved out yesterday from Amherst and will be in Woburn (or something) until June when we're gonna meet up to see Brave. Grrr.
As far as work has been going, I was really, seriously close to quitting a few weeks ago. But, since I'm moving this month and have other bills going around that I have to pay for, I decided to not quit just yet. However, I have recently applied for Manager / Asst. Manager at a pet store, and after submitting my resume, I got a reply from the owner about coming in some time to chat. I really really would love this position, and think it would be a perfect fit for me. The only part that's nervewrecking is waiting for that email or call as to when we could actually meet face-to-face. Pray for me!
I will also be moving this month to Granby. It's kinda off the side between Amherst and Holyoke (Rt. 202), but it's a little more towards the country. There is a horse in the backyard I will be exercising often, and the landlady says I can bring Mushu. :) Soooo happy! I also got a really really good deal on rent, so this will save me at least 100 a month.
I believe that's it....may not be, but I'll update soon.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
One of my latest faves. :)
So, updates!
-found an apartment in Granby (a little out to the country), where I'll be renting for a really good rate (all utilities included), and will be able to exercise a horse, and have permission to have my dog as well! Excited! This won't be til June, and I won't have Mushu back til August, but still, I think it'll be nice. This is a little farther out for me from where I work, but since I know I'll be at home a good amount of the time, might as well make it as nice as possible.
-went to a Primerica builder's weekend yesterday and today, and it was really inspiring. lots to do this week!
-gotta get my food stamps and taxes all filed
-concept is finalized for the Mexican restaurant painting, will hopefully be done in 2 weeks!
-my relationship with Starbucks is on the rocks (sigh), but there are waaaaaaaay too many details to go into that. for now, I'm not gonna quit, because logically I need the benefits and all that.
-my goal is 4 days a week for the gym. also, I'm a black card member to planet fitness now, so I get to bring guests as well as visit other gym locations. I'm almost awesomely in shape. Just a few more things to trim down!
-the party didn't exactly happen, since only one person showed up, but I had a little get-together on tuesday that was fun, and I'm hoping this thurs or saturday to have a few peeps over
-I plan on going to Texas in early August, but still working out the details on that. I'll update as things change.
I believe that's it for now!
One of my latest faves. :)
So, updates!
-found an apartment in Granby (a little out to the country), where I'll be renting for a really good rate (all utilities included), and will be able to exercise a horse, and have permission to have my dog as well! Excited! This won't be til June, and I won't have Mushu back til August, but still, I think it'll be nice. This is a little farther out for me from where I work, but since I know I'll be at home a good amount of the time, might as well make it as nice as possible.
-went to a Primerica builder's weekend yesterday and today, and it was really inspiring. lots to do this week!
-gotta get my food stamps and taxes all filed
-concept is finalized for the Mexican restaurant painting, will hopefully be done in 2 weeks!
-my relationship with Starbucks is on the rocks (sigh), but there are waaaaaaaay too many details to go into that. for now, I'm not gonna quit, because logically I need the benefits and all that.
-my goal is 4 days a week for the gym. also, I'm a black card member to planet fitness now, so I get to bring guests as well as visit other gym locations. I'm almost awesomely in shape. Just a few more things to trim down!
-the party didn't exactly happen, since only one person showed up, but I had a little get-together on tuesday that was fun, and I'm hoping this thurs or saturday to have a few peeps over
-I plan on going to Texas in early August, but still working out the details on that. I'll update as things change.
I believe that's it for now!
Friday, March 9, 2012
Whiskey Tortoise
Well hello there. So, new things:
-finally got my glasses. I am now officially a nerd.
-finally got a starbucks shirt. With languages.
-am going to have to move out in the summer instead of just renewing, because the landlord won't be renting out at all anymore. Yup. Moving again.
-the party is still on. :)
-work is still crazy
-unfortunately failed my life insurance license test(by 7 questions), but will be taking it again soon. I just have to pass an online test with an 80 first...
-went to Philly and St. Louis and had an amazing time. My cousin is married to a good man, and I got to see a lot of my family and have a little down time.
-finally got my glasses. I am now officially a nerd.
-finally got a starbucks shirt. With languages.
-am going to have to move out in the summer instead of just renewing, because the landlord won't be renting out at all anymore. Yup. Moving again.
-the party is still on. :)
-work is still crazy
-unfortunately failed my life insurance license test(by 7 questions), but will be taking it again soon. I just have to pass an online test with an 80 first...
-went to Philly and St. Louis and had an amazing time. My cousin is married to a good man, and I got to see a lot of my family and have a little down time.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Just a Little Bit
I apologize for not keeping up with my blog for the last two months. Crazy as usual. Anyway, it's going to take waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long to catch someone up, so let's go straight to current.
-now have a third job (working on getting financial and life license)
-currently have a stomach virus (sucks)
-still working on the whole poetry/art thing
-my business cards came in. :)
-going to my cousin's wedding in St. Louis in march!
that's all you need to know for now XD
I'll continue with a normal pace like I used to.
-now have a third job (working on getting financial and life license)
-currently have a stomach virus (sucks)
-still working on the whole poetry/art thing
-my business cards came in. :)
-going to my cousin's wedding in St. Louis in march!
that's all you need to know for now XD
I'll continue with a normal pace like I used to.
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