Monday, July 2, 2012


So, a few days ago I actually had more to update about, but I kinda forgot about half of that... sorry. XD

I went to my bf's place last weekend, near Lowell, and spent a day in Boston. It ended up raining, and being really late, but we did get a great lunch, and I got a cute figurine, wallet, acrylic paint varnish, and I was able to ride the subway (T) for the first time. ^-^  We also got to see Brave the opening night, which I personally don't believe was one of Pixar's best, however the film was still Pixar quality.

 Dave's is going well, and I'm making a bit more per hour, so even though I'm not getting as many hours, I'm still making it by. (If not by just a little...). However I wanna save up for some Abiliene's (cowboy boots) so I can have casual/riding boots. I rode Willow (the horse) by myself for the first time last week, and rode him again towards the end of this week, and I'm getting the hang of it. (he likes one-hand reining better....)

My best friend is back in town, however I haven't seen her yet, so hopefully I'll get to see her this upcoming weekend.

Also, I will be submitting a mini-manuscript to a publisher, so hopefully they can take care of all the details so I don't have to spend all the money on getting started myself. Wish me luck! It's hard to take down a ready-to-go book and get it to an even more concise version though....

I believe that's it for now!

Recent anime recommendations: Sankarea

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