Sunday, March 13, 2011

Vlog Synopsis

Thursday, March 10, 2011

In 3 hours, I managed to type out 5,000 words out from my manuscript. 18 pages, DONE. So, I should probably write for about 1 more month, and then start picking and choosing, editing, and formatting the manuscript. but 2/3 of the raw is complete. Phew!
Besides that, I went to the Ash Wednesday service, and it was nice. Right before that, I managed to splurt out a page of notes from Bible study, so I'm going to try to do this every day and see how much insight I can get, because so far it has been wonderful.
Work is going ok. Still trying to get the exact pace I should be at, and still learning new stuff to do.
I have to get Mushu to the groomers' pretty soon, he's looking pretty scraggly...
I wish I had some dancing to do....

Friday, March 4, 2011


- will be back in Texas April 6-12
- I have 1/2 of my manuscript done, and mailed for copyright reasons
- my little plant had like 4 more little flowers, spring is almost here!
- my birthday is in 18 days
- still haven't found anybody to edit/critique poetry yet...
- title is decided
- cover art is almost decided
- watching Fairy Tail, Kimi ni Todoke 2, will soon be watching Rozen Maiden
- got in a workout
- payment plan worked out for UMass

I think that's about it for now. Nothing much else going on over here.